March 23, 2007

SIKESTON - William F. Sikes, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Sikes, was initiated into the Phi Delta Theta social fraternity of the University of Missouri. SIKESTON - Donald J. Paska, grocer, one of three men chosen as finalists for the postmastership of Sikeston, received the endorsement of the Scott County Democratic Central Committee, Tom Arnold, Benton committee chairman announced today...

60 years ago

SIKESTON - William F. Sikes, son of Mr. and Mrs. W.H. Sikes, was initiated into the Phi Delta Theta social fraternity of the University of Missouri.

40 years ago

SIKESTON - Donald J. Paska, grocer, one of three men chosen as finalists for the postmastership of Sikeston, received the endorsement of the Scott County Democratic Central Committee, Tom Arnold, Benton committee chairman announced today.

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SIKESTON - The Scott County Easter Seal campaign has an excellent chance of reaching its goal of $3,000, according to Mrs. Buford Barber, county chairman. The two school drives in Sikeston have been completed. The five elementary schools collected $76.24 and the Junior High School gathered $20.86.

20 years ago

SIKESTON - Sara Helfrich, sophomore at Sikeston High School, was chosen as one of two winners of a trip to the International Science and Engineering Fair May 10-16 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Miss Helfrich will be accompanied by her instructor, Wanda Throop. Miss Helfrich's project is "The Effects of Cholestryamine on the Cholesterol of Egg."

10 years ago

SIKESTON - The Drug, Alcohol and Deliverance Center (DADC) will sponsor its first Easter egg hunt for children ages 1-16 from 1-2:30 p.m. Saturday at Roberta Rowe Park. Everyone is invited to attend the free event.


MORLEY - The Elderberries will meet on Tuesday at 11:30 a.m. at the Morley Baptist Church. Francis Phillips, a representative of AARP, will be the guest speaker at the meeting which will be followed by a noon meal.


NEW MADRID - The New Madrid County R-1 Parents as Teachers Program will host a Easter egg hunt at 4 p.m. Tuesday at the Hunter Dawson Park. The age limit to participate is 5 years old.
