December 24, 2001

On behalf of the Sikeston Depot, I would like to thank all of the people that made our Christmas Home Tour on Dec. 2 such a success. First, I would like to thank those wonderful homeowners who allowed over 300 people to view the Christmas decorations in their home. ...


On behalf of the Sikeston Depot, I would like to thank all of the people that made our Christmas Home Tour on Dec. 2 such a success.

First, I would like to thank those wonderful homeowners who allowed over 300 people to view the Christmas decorations in their home. It takes special, generous people to share the inside of their home with strangers. Thanks to Brad and Courtney Bedell, Herb and Sue Schuerenberg, Larry James and Pete and Amy Burns, the Sikeston Depot received twice the amount of participants that we had anticipated.

I would like to say a special thank you to the Depot volunteers who stayed at each home, baked cookies and took up tickets. Anita Sharp, volunteer coordinator, saw that everything ran smoothly before and during the project. I would also like to give a special thank you to her husband, Harry, for the colorful name tags for the volunteers. Thanks to the board members and the Chamber of Commerce for helping to sell the tickets and Larry Braden for the maps on the tickets. Thank you, Lynn Lancaster, for the yard signs.

A special thanks to Steve Matthews and Firstar Bank for the donation to cover our advertising. Helen's Florist and Park View Florist are also to be commended for paying for our Christmas Home Tour tickets. Tonia Pennington of the Standard Democrat did a wonderful article before the tour, which we certainly appreciated.

My biggest thank you goes to Sikeston and the surrounding communities for showing up and supporting the tour. If it had not been for all of you, we would not have been able to have raised the amount that we did. The Modern Woodsmen organization had approached us about matching funds on this project up to $1,500 and thanks to the wonderful response, we will be able to receive the full amount. I am proud of the way Sikeston and the surrounding community supports the Depot. It's a wonderful place to live.

Yours truly,

LaDonna DeKriek,

Home Tour coordinator
