July 14, 2004

SIKESTON - Taxicab rates in the city will be increased effective July 15, according to a joint statement made by the four cab companies in Sikeston. The fare within the city as been increased to 25 cents and outside of the town the charge is 30 cents a mile. The old rates were 20 cents and 25 cents respectively...

60 years ago

SIKESTON - Taxicab rates in the city will be increased effective July 15, according to a joint statement made by the four cab companies in Sikeston. The fare within the city as been increased to 25 cents and outside of the town the charge is 30 cents a mile. The old rates were 20 cents and 25 cents respectively.

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CHARLESTON - Oliver French has purchased the John Deere agency at Charleston after the recent closing of the Stricker Implement Co.

40 years ago

LILBOURN - Miss Shirley Ann Gremore sang at the World's Fair in New York July 4. Gremore, a senior in the Baptist Memorial Hospital School of Nursing in Memphis, Tenn., was one of 150 students of the BMH Student Nurses Glee Club who participated in the special concerts at the fair.

20 years ago

SIKESTON - The Sikeston License Bureau, 1619 E. Malone Ave., will be closed from 1:30 p.m. Friday until Monday morning. Terry Cole said the closing is due to having to replace an air conditioner in the building.

10 years ago

SIKESTON - Sikeston girls basketball coach Lee Brooks is conducting a varsity basketball camp all week at the Sikeston High School. More than 50 girls are attending.


SIKESTON - The Sikeston American Legion team won the league title and the league tournament in Sikeston Little League Baseball this season with a 12-2 record in 11- to 12-year-old play. The team consisted of: Blake Miller, Jamie Puckett, Matt Winchester, Ritchie Corder, Kye Lawrence, Matt Younger, Justin Freeman, Billy Puckett and Jason Allen. Coaching the team were Roy Martin, Charlie Miller, Phil Puckett and Bruce Lawrence.
