I would like to give some advice to all owners, managers and employees of all the food places in the area. Kill your flies! It's very disgusting to eat with flies around your food. I would consider it much less of a problem for you to come out and swat the flies with a 95-cent fly swatter than for me to try to eat and swat flies the whole time I'm there. It is a very cheap, easy solution to the problem with flies. If you want me to come back to your place of business, kill the flies or I won't come back anymore.
I am calling about women who call married men to ask for favors, but yet, have nothing to say to the men's wives. They will sneak around and call the men and ask for favors. They will work on the men and cause problems in the man's marriage. But these women call themselves Christians. This is not a Christian person who is doing this. They are just trying to destroy marriages.
To the person who called in "Politics at a glance," have you ever heard the phrase, "United we stand, divided we fall?" Well, my husband is in Iraq, and yes, I support him and if that means that I support the President, yes, I support him also. I would much rather have a president in there who has a backbone. You're right. Freedom doesn't come cheap, but my husband is willing to fight for our freedom and yours. He doesn't want our children or grandchildren to grow up scared of living a life as we know it.
It makes no difference who Kerry picked for his running mate. Edwards makes him no less liberal. Partial-birth abortion is wrong. Kerry voted to keep it legal. Homosexual marriage is wrong. Kerry voted against the defensive marriage act, which even liberal Bill Clinton signed. Edwards keeps talking about two Americas, the "haves" and "have-nots." Both he and Kerry are for redistributing the wealth by raising taxes and spending programs. It's socialism, pure and simple. It's wrong and it divides America.
I'm not a Democrat or a Republican, but I want all Democrats to know this. If Kerry gets elected, it will be a nightmare because we have been attacked. You have got to remember 9/11. I would be a lot more comfortable with Bush being president instead of Kerry because Bush did something. If we had a Democrat like Kerry, nothing would have been done and there's no telling what would happen. If you care about our well-being, vote for Bush, please. He may not be perfect. Yeah, the guy's made a lot of mistakes and he's not the smartest guy in the world. But, he will do something. When it comes to our safety, he will stand up and he will do something and I just feel safer with the guy there, rather than Kerry.
I don't understand why John Kerry is running all over the United States asking for money to help with his campaign. He's married to a woman who has billions. He might be using a lot of that money to pay off people because any time he has been in my area, he has people call you constantly, all day and half the night wanting you to vote for John Kerry. I got so tired of answering the phone, the last time one of them called me, I told them there was one way I would vote for him that he is running for. Since he's such a big war hero, I'd vote for him if he was running to catch a plane for Iraq. Otherwise, he doesn't have my vote.
I wish you would correct the July 4 SpeakOut about Kerry's ad about healthcare. It was worded correctly except you put in two "don'ts" in the last sentence.
Nobody's perfect, but thank you for bringing this misteak to our attention.