January 18, 2002

SIKESTON - Mr. and Mrs. Otto Boyet are parents of a son born Friday at their home, 605 Delmar. --- SIKESTON - A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hodges of Route 2, Monday morning. MINER - Fire destroyed the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lewis at Miner Switch Wednesday morning and the adjacent Sikeston Salvage Company, which the owners operated...

60 years ago

SIKESTON - Mr. and Mrs. Otto Boyet are parents of a son born Friday at their home, 605 Delmar.


SIKESTON - A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hodges of Route 2, Monday morning.

40 years ago

MINER - Fire destroyed the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lewis at Miner Switch Wednesday morning and the adjacent Sikeston Salvage Company, which the owners operated.

20 years ago

CHARLESTON - Circuit Judge Tony Heckemeyer was among the candidates filing for election in Mississippi County. Heckemeyer seeks re-election to the six-year term. Candidates have until April 27 to file.

10 years ago

SIKESTON - While crime has exploded in other cities, 1991 statistics from the Sikeston Department of Public Safety show no such growth. And those same figures show criminals committing crimes in Sikeston are likely to get caught. From homicides to common assaults, the Sikeston DPS investigated 2,200 crimes last year They solved 1,237, or 56 percent. Victims can be assured not every item stolen is gone forever.

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SIKESTON - Sikeston residents planning to attend this year's Phantom Ball won't have to worry about buying something to wear or making a last-minute dash to the store for forgotten accessories. In fact, they won't have to even leave their homes. The Phantom Ball is better explained by what it is also known as, the "Stay-At-Home-Read-A-Book Ball." Reading at home is what residents who participate Feb. 15 will do. Sponsored by Friends of the Library, donations will be used to buy library materials. Last year, the library purchased a set of children's encyclopedias with money raised from the "ball."
