February 11, 2002

SIKESTON - John Reiss was re-elected to a term on the board of the Scott County Chapter of the Red Cross. The choice was made at the annual meeting. SIKESTON - The Newcomers Club met for coffee Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Kenneth James where 17 attended, including two newcomers to the city...

60 years ago

SIKESTON - John Reiss was re-elected to a term on the board of the Scott County Chapter of the Red Cross. The choice was made at the annual meeting.

40 years ago

SIKESTON - The Newcomers Club met for coffee Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Kenneth James where 17 attended, including two newcomers to the city.

20 years ago

SIKESTON - The weather shows no signs of a thaw. Cold temperatures, combined with precipitation, left a coating of ice on branches last night.

10 years ago

EAST PRAIRIE - With routine business out of the way Monday evening, John Thurman, president of the R-2 School District's Board of Education, reported on a tour of the high school facilities which revealed areas where improvements are needed.


NEW MADRID - Calvin and Patricia Kolwyck are beginning a crusade. A crusade to ensure the safety of their children as well as others in the area. Following a bicycle-car accident involving their son, Chris, 11, Mr. and Mrs. Kolwyck decided to campaign for a bicycle safety.
