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In response to your July 14 SpeakOut on "Noranda is A-OK," first of all, this comment seems to be coming from someone other than a USWA Local 7686 member. Could it be a company employee trying to make the general public think that hourly employees are so blessed to be employed by such a fair and honest company? When speaking of farmhands, "service station workers, etc.," are some of the terms upper management uses in reference to its hourly employees. One of their favorites is "cotton choppers." There has really never been any respect by upper management for its union employees and, in reality, there will never be. Even though the pay is good, most people don't realize the price a person pays who works rotating shifts, days and nights, weekends and holidays. Along with combating the severe heat and summer and numerous health hazards year 'round, production workers earn every penny they are paid. A lengthy employment with Noranda has also caused numerous hardships on families, including many divorces. So before anyone makes this job seam like the "dream job" of Southeast Missouri, they need to tell it like it really is and also make sure they are members of USWA Local 7686. A real union man would never make such comments. Also, tearing up equipment and a lot of dirty work never happened at Noranda. That was just another accusation by the company to ridicule and tarnish union members' reputations.
"I Pledge Allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. And to the Republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all!" Take out "under God?" Well, while we're at it, let's change the words to the "Star Spangled Banner," "This Land is Your Land" and Led Zeppelins' "Stairway to Heaven." C'mon now! What idiot came up with this idea? This statement is coming from a non-church goer. Far from being religious. I wouldn't call me an atheist, because I believe in miracles and that God is responsible for all miracles. But to take out "under God" is un-American! My 4-year-old son came home from daycare the other day and was singing the "Pledge of Allegiance" and left out "under God!" I corrected him and he said, "Miss Lisa don't let us say that, but the other teacher does let us say it." I guess, once again, it falls back on that big "C" word, "choices." I disagree with this choice, but what can you do?
The Mount Gilead Cemetery in Clarkton is in need of funds to help with general upkeep. Anyone who would like to help in this endeavor is asked to send donations to: Mount Gilead Cemetery, in care of Charles Provance, Box 181, Clarkton, Mo. 63863.
I noticed on Smith Street and other storage places, you can bid on storage buildings and buy them. But what I want to know is, what is to keep the people from owning these storage places? They know the bids. What's to keep them from buying and reselling them?