December 8, 2002

SIKESTON - Sikeston took on an added preholiday appearance Tuesday as Christmas Greenery, an annual Chamber of Commerce project, was installed in the business section. But the usual colored lights - sending a cheery gleam over streets downtown - will be missing this season as a sober reminder that war comes foremost this year...

60 years ago

SIKESTON - Sikeston took on an added preholiday appearance Tuesday as Christmas Greenery, an annual Chamber of Commerce project, was installed in the business section. But the usual colored lights - sending a cheery gleam over streets downtown - will be missing this season as a sober reminder that war comes foremost this year.

40 years ago

SIKESTON - Mrs. Guy B. Comer was installed as worthy matron and Jack Grimes was installed as worthy patron when the installation ceremonies for Sikeston Chapter 137 Order of the Eastern Star was held in the Masonic Temple Friday night.

20 years ago

EAST PRAIRIE - The choir of East Prairie High School will present a Christmas Concert at 7:30 p.m. Monday in the high school auditorium.

0 years ago

SIKESTON - William Grega's palette is the music score before him. As his hands brush the air, he creates a musical work of art drawing on the tones of the 70 singers in front of him. For the 25th year, area residents will combine their talents to entertain the community with traditional, spiritual and even comical renditions of holiday music. The Sikeston Community Choir will mark its silver anniversary with a performance at 2 p.m. Dec. 13 at the Sikeston High School Field House.


EAST PRAIRIE - Police Chief Richard Gregory was named by Missouri Governor-elect Mel Carnahan to a transition advisory committee on public safety and correction. A veteran law enforcement officer, Gregory expressed "pleasant surprise" to the Tuesday notification of his appointment. A staunch Democrat, Gregory has been police chief in East Prairie, was employed as a deputy sheriff three years and was a reserve deputy from 1964 to 1982.
