October 17, 2003

SIKESTON - T.E. Stallings, special agent of the Department of Commerce, announced that almost 12,000 fewer bales of cotton have been ginned in Scott County this year than were ginned at a similar date last year. WYATT - The voters of Wyatt failed to carry the necessary majorities on two proposals Tuesday, one for $150,000 in revenue bonds and another for $32,000 in general obligation bonds to finance a new water system...

SIKESTON - T.E. Stallings, special agent of the Department of Commerce, announced that almost 12,000 fewer bales of cotton have been ginned in Scott County this year than were ginned at a similar date last year.

WYATT - The voters of Wyatt failed to carry the necessary majorities on two proposals Tuesday, one for $150,000 in revenue bonds and another for $32,000 in general obligation bonds to finance a new water system.

SIKESTON - Statistics are available from the Census Bureau for Sikeston, under a special Neighborhood Statistics Program based on the 1980 Census of Population and Housing. The median age for the 17,431 residents of the community is 30.1 years. There are 1,288 single males age 15 and over, 1,327 single females age 15 and over and 1,852 veterans in Sikeston. Average median income for households in 1979 was $12,437 and average median income for families in 1979 was $15,484. The median rent paid by Sikeston residents is $202.

BENTON - County work crews, like their state counterparts, have been out working to repair damage done to roads caused by the summer flooding. But the going has been difficult since Ol' Man River seemingly rises and falls on a whim. The last attempt to access the damage was a week and a half ago, according to Presiding Commissioner Durward Dover, but roads were still not accessible by vehicles.


SIKESTON - Students in Sandy Dean's second grade class at Lee Hunter Elementary School were treated to a pizza party after winning the Parent-Teacher Organization Membership Drive at the school.
