September 25, 2003

SIKESTON - Sgt. Harold Ancell, stationed with the quartermaster corps of the Army in Australia, has written to Mrs. Ancell of his recent promotion to the grade of sergeant. SIKESTON - The Folklores of Sikeston were among the four winners at the Mid-South Talent Show semifinals at Memphis, Tenn., Friday night. The young musicians, all students at Sikeston High School, are Larry Bond, George Gilmore and Jim Caskey. They defeated 18 other acts...

60 years ago

SIKESTON - Sgt. Harold Ancell, stationed with the quartermaster corps of the Army in Australia, has written to Mrs. Ancell of his recent promotion to the grade of sergeant.

40 years ago

SIKESTON - The Folklores of Sikeston were among the four winners at the Mid-South Talent Show semifinals at Memphis, Tenn., Friday night. The young musicians, all students at Sikeston High School, are Larry Bond, George Gilmore and Jim Caskey. They defeated 18 other acts.

20 years ago

NEW MADRID - Stacy Warren and Michael Dean Chamblis were crowned Little King and Queen Tuesday night, kicking off the week-long Fall festival activities. Stacy is the 5-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Warren of New Madrid, and Michael is the 6-year-old son of Mike and Deana Chamblis of Lilbourn.

10 years ago

SIKESTON - For a century Ferris wheels have been the focus of excitement at carnivals and fairs everywhere - and the epitome of fear for the less adventurous individual. It is unlikely that when George Washington Ferris built the first Ferris wheel in 1893 for the World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago he ever dreamed it would continue to be one of the most popular amusement rides 100 years later.


SIKESTON - At Friday evening's football game between Sikeston and Jackson, fans will welcome an American hero, retired U.S. Air Force Col. George E. "Bud" Day. Day will be featured as the grand marshal of Saturday's Cotton Carnival Parade, sponsored by American Legion Post 114.
