September 25, 2003

Why does everybody think they should be tipped for their services? I don't get tipped at my place of employment and I don't expect to have to tip someone. If you don't like not being tipped, then I suggest you get out of that line of work and find a better job...

Why does everybody think they should be tipped for their services? I don't get tipped at my place of employment and I don't expect to have to tip someone. If you don't like not being tipped, then I suggest you get out of that line of work and find a better job.

I would like to say thank you to all the people who stopped to help me when I had my motorcycle wreck on Route BB. Houck's Towing Service and so many people I didn't even know stopped and I just want them to know that their kindness will no be forgotten. Thank you very much.

I just read Mike's editorial on Sept. 16 blasting our governor, Bob Holding, trying to put a spin on the overrides on this veto session. Mike, I think you need to be writing the real newspaper, something like the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, talking today about how the GOP fund paid for Sen. Dolan's trip from Cuba. And Peter Kinder's picture is on the front and he and his aides are responsible for possible (I say "possible") questionable activities and monies to get this gentleman into the country to clench this vote for the veto override. Why don't you talk about this? Our own senator from Cape Girardeau doing underhanded things such as this. He had been planning this trip for quite some time before the session came up. Why don't you report the real news, Mike? Let's get with the program.


A few days ago I saw Peter Kinder with his news conference when he successfully got his Senate boys to override the conceal and carry weapons rule. I don't understand what the Republicans' big deal is about guns anyway, but anyway, so be it. With more handguns around, I wonder if Peter Kinder read the front page of today's newspaper where tragically a 7-year-old little girl was killed with a handgun. Yes, it was an accident, but with a handgun by her 6-year-old brother. What tragedy is that? Come on, Peter Kinder. Do we really need more handguns around? I'm not opposed to guns. I'm in favor of hunting and hunting weapons. I think hunting is a wonderful thing, but come on. We don't need more handguns, Peter. The majority of the state said "no" to your deal. I hope you find a reawakening when you try to run for statewide office.

With all of the controversy over the past several years concerning the Cotton Carnival beauty pageants, I suggested an on-site auditor tally the judges' votes at the table. Don't take the judges' ballots back stage behind closed doors. Count them at the judges' table in full public view.

In my opinion, Community Day in Matthews is just that, a day for everyone in the community to get together and have a good time. Unfortunately, this year's Community Day ended with three adult men assaulting a minor child and another young man who is nearly 18. These men are adults but they did not act like men. This was wrong and you should be ashamed of yourselves.

If you are an eyewitness, did you report it to the New Madrid County Sheriff's Department? The number is 748-2167.

I would like to get a canary but the local pet store has no idea where to get any. Does anyone know where I can buy one? Please leave the information in SpeakOut.

The Sunny Hill Pet Center has canaries for sale. It is located at 335 S. Christine St. in Cape Girardeau and the number is (573) 339-0521.
