
Immigration bill is wrong for country

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Tuesday is yet another critical day in the history of our fragile nation. Despite a lopsided vote two weeks ago to drop the controversial immigration bill in the United States Senate, the measure will be resurrected once again this Tuesday.

Senate leaders need 60 votes to continue discussion on the miserable legislation but two weeks ago fell 15 votes short. In the world of the Senate, changing 15 votes is a rarity. But there has been so much closed door lobbying and deal-making that Senate supporters now believe they may have the votes.

I simply don't trust Sen. Edward Kennedy. And it's Kennedy who has been wheeling and dealing over the past two weeks to revive this stalled measure that would grant amnesty to 12 million illegal immigrants. If Kennedy and company are successful in switching that many votes in this short a timeframe, rest assured there is a massive stink in the background.

What amazes and disgusts me is that every single national poll shows strong opposition to the immigration bill. Polls show that Americans are strongly supportive of legal immigration and indeed welcome with open arms those who seek to make American their new home. But - and it's a big but - Americans are unhappy with a bill that grants legal status to the 12-20 million illegal immigrants who broke the law to come here. So why, you might ask, is the Senate even considering this flawed legislation?

The American public gets shortchanged when it comes to the truth coming out of Washington. Supporters of the immigration bill portray this bill as the ultimate solution to the massive wave of illegals who siphon from our system daily. They fail to tell us the true cost of this sickening legislation. Put simply, they lie because there is a personal benefit for them or for their financial supporters. I defy anyone to deny this fact.

Most of us are under the mistaken impression that this country is based on the basis of majority rule. We are not and never have been. Despite the fact that an overwhelming majority of Americans oppose amnesty, those in Washington have always believed they know what is best for our future. So they ignore the majority opinion. No case in our history is as clear as this faulty legislation.

Here are the facts. Our Social Security system is near collapse. Our health care delivery system is broken and perhaps beyond repair in some areas. The burden on taxpayers takes food off of your table every day to support others who are unwilling to pull their weight.

Now add millions upon millions of low-income, uneducated, needy people to the mix and you have the recipe for disaster.

Here's the truth. If the Honorable Senator Hillary Clinton is elected in 2008 - and the signs are clearly there - she pledges to redistribute the wealth in this country from the haves to the have nots. Now give her 12 million more needy, dependent voters and see what happens to your tax dollars. Then watch what happens to your society.

Then cry.

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