July 25, 2003

This is in reference to Calvin A. King who was arrested for chasing Mr. Pruitt down the street with a baseball bat. I know it was illegal and that it wasn't the smartest thing to do, but I want to thank him on behalf of all the children who have been abused, myself included. No one ever stood up for us or made us feel we were worth standing up for. I hope he isn't punished for this because there are a lot of people who would have liked to do what he did, but didn't...

~Call 471-6636

This is in reference to Calvin A. King who was arrested for chasing Mr. Pruitt down the street with a baseball bat. I know it was illegal and that it wasn't the smartest thing to do, but I want to thank him on behalf of all the children who have been abused, myself included. No one ever stood up for us or made us feel we were worth standing up for. I hope he isn't punished for this because there are a lot of people who would have liked to do what he did, but didn't.

Is it true that if someone writes me a check (or I write someone else a check), that check will not be cashed by a bank after 90 days? Is that rule true with all banks, or just one in town?

We checked with four Sikeston banks and learned that unless the check states "not valid after 90 days" most banks will honor the check up to six months or one year, depending on the individual bank's policy. Some banks will verify the check with the account owner before cashing a check that was written several months before.

I read in the paper a long time ago where someone was looking for pictures of Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck. I have a big 17x21-inch frame that has Mickey Mouse and Donald Ducks along with other characters. If someone wants to look at it, they can see it. If they want to buy it, I'll sell it to them. Call me at 471-5761.

I would like to apologize to all the farmers and crop dusters for living in this area. I know this is farm land and the Heartland. I'm sorry we have to live here and you have to pull your tractor over to let me by. I'm slowing you down. (I'm usually the one who pulls over for your tractor to get by.) You have a problem with us and try to run us off the road like we're in your way. I just came home and while I was on the road, you were on the edge of the road and spraying cotton and got spray all over my truck. I can't even see out of my windshield. I guess crop dusters have the same mentality as crop dusters now, not to mention every tree by my house is killed by crop dusters. What are they going to do about that? I guess we're just in your way.


This is for all the crop dusters who don't have any respect while spraying other people's property and vehicles. From now on, my property is a no-fly zone. If you come over my property again, don't be surprised if there aren't some bullets flying around. Same way with my vehicle. If my vehicle gets sprayed again, you can look for flying bullets. If you're going to spray me, I'm going to spray you. Just wanted to let you know.

To this woman who keeps calling my number, if you don't have a name or phone number on my ID when you call, you won't get an answer.
