February 12, 2004

SIKESTON - T.A. Martin of the Missouri Utilities Co. was elected president of the Sikeston Chamber of Commerce at a meeting held Tuesday. SIKESTON - Two Boy Scouts of Troop 133, sponsored by Hunter Memorial First Presbyterian Church, received one of the highest awards for Scouts - the For God and Country Medal in ceremonies at the church Sunday. The Scouts are Don Northcutt Jr. and Paul Schuerenberg Jr...

60 years ago

SIKESTON - T.A. Martin of the Missouri Utilities Co. was elected president of the Sikeston Chamber of Commerce at a meeting held Tuesday.

40 years ago

SIKESTON - Two Boy Scouts of Troop 133, sponsored by Hunter Memorial First Presbyterian Church, received one of the highest awards for Scouts - the For God and Country Medal in ceremonies at the church Sunday. The Scouts are Don Northcutt Jr. and Paul Schuerenberg Jr.

20 years ago

SIKESTON - Eugene Dement, vice chairman of the Sikeston Production Credit Association, has been named to a Missouri subcommittee of the St. Louis Farm Credit District Grass Roots Committee on Coordination (GRCC).

10 years ago

SIKESTON - Students at Lee Hunter Elementary School had special guests Thursday for Black History Month. Edward and Mable Mullins of Charleston, both former teachers, told the students about famous black people. They included Benjamin Banneker, who helped develop the plan for Washington, D.C. Clothes worn by the teachers were hand-woven in Africa.


CHARLESTON - Tyson Foods Inc. of Springdale, Ark., has expressed interest in locating a processing plant in Mississippi County - one of six plants the company has proposed constructing. Ron Crenshaw, prospect development specialist for the Mississippi County Industrial Development Authority, said he received notification from Louis Gottsponer, who heads new developments for Tyson, that the county has been moved up into the top six communities being considered for a new plant. "I think we (the county) stands as good a chance as anyone in securing these companies."
