Letter to the Editor

Your view: Possible solution

Monday, February 23, 2004

My name is Hannah Jester and I am a 16-year-old student at Risco R-2. I am writing this letter in concern of a moral issue facing America today; an issue that may change how the world views the United States. This issue of great morality is that of homosexual marriages.

Homosexuality has consumed our society. Many of our beloved celebrities in Hollywood are gay. There are multiple shows in which the homosexual lifestyle has a direct tie to the theme of the show, many of which are in prime time. These shows, often with multiple gay characters, include Will and Grace, Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and The L Word. Homosexuality has entwined itself into the life of every American.

Many people in America and throughout the world believe that homosexuality is an acceptable lifestyle. I, however, do not. Being gay is not a normal thing. It is not something you are born with. However, it is a choice and as Americans, every individual has the right to choose how to live their life. If you feel compelled to engage in same-sex relationships, that is a choice you must make. But if that is the road you choose, you must be willing to give up some privileges given to heterosexual couples, such as marriage.

Marriage is one of the few things that is still held in reverence in America. We still consider marriage holy. Throughout history, marriage has always been defined as a union or sanction between and man and woman. Now, after uncountable years, we are willing to change that simple definition, turning marriage into something that is marred by unacceptable and abnormal relationships. Marriage also has its beginnings as a religious practice, and though that image has changed slightly over the years, the majority of people still consider marriage a religious ceremony despite their spiritual preference. Why change now?

When considering a policy allowing same-sex couples the right of marriage, the nation must pause to consider what effect it might have on our reputation. The United States is held in respect by many nations around the world. The policy made by the U.S. does not only affect us, but the rest of the world as well. By allowing homosexual marriages, the U.S. may lose the respect of many nations and views we've always stood for would be changed. Two hundred years of a family-oriented society gone.

Many homosexuals argue that they too have the right to be married and enjoy the benefits of it. I, however, would like to offer an alternative to marriage to those people who live an alternative lifestyle. When a same-sex couple feels compelled to dedicate their lives to each other in a monogamous relationship, the couple should be able to fill out a form declaring their intent to stay with each other in a relationship. Once the form has been filled out, the couple must stay together for seven years before reaching the equivalent of a common-law marriage. This status is given the same reverence as marriage, but those homosexuals participating will receive the same tax benefits as heterosexuals. They will also be able to declare their partner on insurance forms.

The issue of homosexual marriage is one not only of great morality, but also of great controversy. With ever person who is against gay marriage there is another person who supports the issue. Fifty years ago, this would not even be an issue. Back then we believed in the nuclear family. But as time has passed, our views and values have changed drastically. Now we, as United States citizens, must ask ourselves the question: How did it come to this?

Hannah Jester