SIKESTON - Charles Stamp Jr of Sikeston was elected chairman of the Association of Equipment Manufacturers Board of Directors.
As chairman, Stamp will help lead the Board of Directors and the association in setting the operating policies and guidelines in areas including product safety and technical support, equipment statistics, market trends data, public policy representation, trade shows, education and training and more.
Stamp is vice president public affairs worldwide for Deere and Co. Previously Stamp served as the group's first vice chairman.
CAPE GIRARDEAU - Several area counselors recently attended the fall meeting of the Southeast Missouri School Counselor Association on the campus of Southeast Missouri State University.
Among those attending were Perry Brehmer and Mary Barron, guidance counselors at Scott County Central Schools in Sikeston, and Julie Victor, Lisa Godwin, Emily Carlisle and Jeff Ross, guidance counselors with the New Madrid County R-1 School District.
Counselors attended a sharing session with other counselors who work with the same age level of students in order to learn new ideas and gather new information. An update of information about the university was also provided and a business meeting was conducted.
SEMOSCA provides a variety of professional development opportunities for its members each year in order to keep them informed and assist them in making a positive difference in the lives of the students for whom they work.
SIKESTON -Tiffany Dietrich of Scott City was awarded a Child Development Associate credential in recognition of outstanding work with young children. The credential was awarded by the Council of Professional Recognition in Washington, D.C., which represents the early childhood education profession.
CDA is the only major national effort to improve early childcare by evaluation and recognizing of individuals providing care. The first credential was awarded 25 years ago, and now 46 states plus the District of Columbia include CDA in their childcare licensing regulations.
Parents who use early education and care are especially concerned today about their children's welfare. With this in mind, as part of the CDA assessment process, every candidate for the CDA credential is observed working with young children or families by an early childhood professional. In addition, the candidate must demonstrate the ability to work with families to develop children's physical and intellectual capabilities in a safe and healthy learning environment.
The CDA credential is having a positive effect on the quality of childcare. Its impact is evident in center-based and home visitor programs as well as family childcare, the most common form of care for children under 5 years old.
Dietrich is a teacher for 2-year-olds at Care A Lot Learning Center in Kelso. She has been employed there for a year.
SIKESTON - Nick Kennedy, an employee in the archery department at Feeders Outdoors, has completed the Precision Shooting Equipment Authorized Dealer School. This training program educates the archery dealer in perfecting bow set-up techniques, customer service skills and the latest product training.
According to PSE, in the last 30 years, the retail sale of archery equipment has grown to be a significant segment of the sporting goods industry. Due to the rapid changes in the technology of archery equipment, PSE, the largest archery manufacturer in the world created the concept of archery dealer education programs and began offering a dealer training school in 1983. PSE's goal is to disseminate information on the most cutting-edge research and equipment and has been successful in educating both new and established archery dealers.
Feeders Outdoors in located in Feeders Supply, 1014 Linn St.
SIKESTON - Jerry McMackin has joined the staff at Feeders Supply in the new archery department located in Feeders Outdoors.
As the archery manager/technician, McMackin brings 10 years experience to his new position. He is qualified in complete bow set-up, maintenance, tuning and trouble shooting.
Also McMackin will assist customers by answering their questions on the latest technology in archery equipment and assist them in selecting the best archery equipment for their needs along with hunting clothes and other gear.
Feeders Outdoors in located in Feeders Supply, 1014 Linn St.
SIKESTON - Lee Bowman Jr., a district representative with Modern Woodmen of America, has become a registered representative with MWA Financial Services Inc. As a registered representative, Bowman is now licensed to sell mutual funds, available through MWA Financial Services Inc. which is a wholly owned subsidiary of Modern Woodmen of America.
CARUTHERSVILLE - Casino Aztar has opened its new Poker Room on the third deck of the "City of Caruthersville."
The Poker Room, which opened Sept. 17, features four tables and the primary games will include seven card stud and Texas hold'em. The hours of operation are from noon to 4 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from noon to 2 a.m. on Sunday. Hours will be expanded as play dictates. Additional games, table limits and times will be considered as player preferences are noted.
"Poker is really hot right now and we are very excited about this new addition to Casino Aztar," said Lyle Randolph, director of casino operations. "Our focus here at Casino Aztar is always to provide our guests with the best in fun, excitement and customer service and the new Poker Room truly fits that standard," added George Stadler, senior vice president.