Speakout 10/3

Sunday, October 3, 2004

You are saying Bush never lies. Well, that's a lie. Bush just said Social Security was more solvent than ever. They showed it on the news. Then they turned right around and said Social Security is in a very difficult situation and is going down. If the government would leave Social Security alone and quit spending its money, we wouldn't have this problem. But no, Bush wants to send it to Iraq and make sure the people over there have free money and free medicine. Some are saying the issues are gays and abortion. Well there's more to this issue. Gays have been going since God created the world and abortions have been going on for many years and it's not going to stop. It is illegal for people to steal or kill but they still do it anyway. If you want the truth, wake up and smell the coffee before it's too late. If Bush gets in for another four years, we won't have Social Security. We won't have anything to help us.

Hey, America, what do you think about the Miss America contest? Wasn't it a disgrace?

In response to the Suggestion Box about a skateboard park, to our city leaders, whoever they are (elected or voluntary), they voted on removing Central Park. They used taxpayer money to remove the Central Park on Edmondson Street because nobody knows where it is. It was one of the best parks we have ever had donated to the city by an organization. It was a perfect place to expand all sports. The cost to demolish was bad judgment in my view. That expense could have and should have been used to make a skateboard park, basketball area and tennis.

I am calling about the "'Rather' awkward position." I don't agree with what he did but I am proud to be an honest-to-goodness, full fledged Democrat. You have your opinion and we have our opinions.

I see you get a few little Kerry die-hards in there, but I'd like to know where they're getting that Bush is lying. Bush hasn't lied about anything. When the Democrats were in there for eight years with Bill Clinton, he lied about everything he could get his hands on. Facts are facts and when you talk about Bush, he hasn't lied about anything.

We are trying to find out what happened to a teacher at the Sikeston Head Start for a long time but is no longer there. She was a good teacher.

A caller said Kerry was a communist and everybody who fights in a war comes by and protests about the Vietnam War. How does you know Kerry was a communist? Were you there? I doubt it. So get your facts straight. Someone also said Rather "got in bed with Hussein." How do you know? Were you there? Get your facts straight. If you are not there, how do you know what goes on?