SIKESTON - High school notes: Announcement has been made of the appointment of Betty Waldman, senior, as drum majorette of the band. Carolyn Wilkinson, a junior, has been named head twirler.
PORTAGEVILLE - Salisbury steak made of soybeans was on display at the New Madrid County Library during the Soybean Festival.
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MOREHOUSE - A rattlesnake measuring five-feet, one-inch was killed by Ernest Stroud of Morehouse, while he and two boys, Gary and David Towe, also of Morehouse, were hunting squirrels. They were on the Max Ellison farm, nine miles southwest of Lutesville.
MORLEY - Crowned Miss Morley Friday night at the 17th annual Morley Fall Festival was Carol Sue Johnson, 17-year-old daughter of Jimmy and Suzie Johnson of Vanduser. Peggy Suzanne Casey, 17, was second runner-up. Crowned Miss Fall Festival was Heather Mays, 15-year-old daughter of Allen Mays of Sikeston. First runner-up was Shea Hatley, 15, and Carol Sue Johnson was chosen second runner-up.
SIKESTON - Thursday was a red-letter day in New Madrid and Scott counties as Sept. 11 was celebrated by activating the counties' Enhanced 911 system. Although there are some bugs in the system, the county commissioners agreed the new E911 System is going to live up to its potential and within a short time, the system will be "the best thing that's happened to the counties in a long time," as put by one resident. A special ceremony Thursday allowed presiding commissioners Jay Blankenship and Bob Kielhofner to make the first call to the new E911 dispatchers at each center.
SIKESTON - Marie Little, the 77-year-old member of Henry Meldrum American Legion Auxiliary Unit 114, has been selected to be the 1997 Madam Parade Marshal for the Cotton Carnival Parade. As far as anyone knows, she is the first woman to ever hold the title.