April 6, 2005

ORAN - Aviation Machinist's Mate 3-C Herman Leon Bucher of Oran has received the Purple Heart for a fractured leg suffered in a Japanese air attack on his light aircraft carrier during the invasion of Luzon. SIKESTON - The old ticker will have to be moved up an hour come April 25, 2 a.m. for the Sikeston City Council officially adopted Daylight Savings Time at their meeting last night. This standard of time will continue until Oct. 31, 2 a.m...

60 years ago

ORAN - Aviation Machinist's Mate 3-C Herman Leon Bucher of Oran has received the Purple Heart for a fractured leg suffered in a Japanese air attack on his light aircraft carrier during the invasion of Luzon.

40 years ago

SIKESTON - The old ticker will have to be moved up an hour come April 25, 2 a.m. for the Sikeston City Council officially adopted Daylight Savings Time at their meeting last night. This standard of time will continue until Oct. 31, 2 a.m.

20 years ago

SIKESTON - Sikeston's Emergency Preparedness Agency conducted a planning meeting Thursday at the Public Safety Courtroom to discuss setting up a drill as to the response to a disaster. The drill will be used to assist each department on what would be expected of them during an actual disaster, help them become better acquainted with the existing ordinances and disaster plans and test the reasonability of the plans, and how and if they will work.


SIKESTON - Members of the Sikeston Development Council toured the Potlatch Inc. Plant Thursday afternoon as part of the group's ongoing program of visiting with Sikeston and Miner industrial representatives. Bob McGregor, plant manager, explained how the press operates at the plant in production of paper board cartons.

10 years ago

SIKESTON - Mary E. Breckenridge of Sikeston will serve on the State Board of Health, following her appointment by Gov. Mel Carnahan Friday. While the position is typically a four-year term, Breckenridge is filling an unexpired term of someone who resigned. She will serve until Oct. 13, 1996, then will be eligible for reappointment.


ESSEX - Seven runs in the first inning set the tone Wednesday as the visiting Scott County Central Braves downed the Richland Rebels 17-5. "It was a good win," said Scott Central coach Terry Smith, after the six-inning game.
