On June 24th the first annual Duathlon on the Grounds was held at the Charleston Baptist Association Campgrounds in Benton, Mo. The event was conducted by Splitmaster Timing and the family of Adam McGee to raise funds for the Adam McGee Memorial Scholarship. The family has created the scholarship in hopes of sending a local high school graduate to college while honoring the memory of our loved one.
Many local companies and individuals played a huge part in the success of the event. The family would like to thank and recognize: Charleston Baptist Association for the use of the grounds, Lamberts Café, Heartland Potatoes, Glen Pinkerton, Montgomery Bank, Scheffer's Office Furniture & Business Machines, Woodard Dist., Super D Drugs, Splitmaster Timing, Bootheel Wireless, Nelson's Services, and The Standard Democrat of Sikeston, Yvonne's Café, Scott Mainord Jr. Insurance, Bill and Shirley Forck, Sheriff Rick Walter and the Scott County Sheriff's Dept., The Rusty Stewart Family, and Gary's Photography of Benton, Daniel Austin and Cyclewerx of Cape Girardeau and all of the event participants. These sponsors played a huge part in the fun and success of our event. The entire family of Adam McGee would like to thank you for your generous support of our efforts to honor Adam's memory while doing something positive for our community.
The Family of Adam McGee