SIKESTON - Thanks to a state-of-the-art machine, once broken or damaged antiques and family heirlooms are getting another opportunity for use.
"Pieces that others can't fix, I can," said Sam Thomas with Bo's Jewelry.
Thomas explained the machine, using laser technology, can be used on antique silver serving pieces, platinum, gold and steel.
The advantage of laser technology is that a repair can be made without heating the metal. Heat, according to Thomas, can damage some pieces.
Turning around a silver coffee urn, Thomas pointed to where he was able to fuse the handle back together maneuvering around the non-silver rings.
Without the laser welder, this repair would not have been possible, he said. Training on the machine took about a year. Thomas studied the process in New York, Chicago and Quincy, Ill., before purchasing his own laser welder.
As word has gotten out about his ability to make repairs, Thomas said he has repaired numerous silver pieces. Also he noted he is able to retip platinum using platinum to maintain a piece's integrity. "With the laser welder we are able to use pure metal rather than solder," he said.
The range of the machine's repair capability is still impressing the jeweler. Because of its precision, he has used it to repair eyeglasses, watchbands and jewelry with precious soft stones that wouldn't be able to take the heat used in welded repairs. He even has used it to make repairs on musical instruments.
"I've been very busy. It is in use every day," said Thomas.
The owners of the items being repaired are invited by Thomas to watch him as he works. He said he is able to make most repairs the same day the item is brought in.
"With this machine it is the same pricing but half of the wait for a customer," said Thomas.
Bo's Jewelry, located at 136 E. Front St., is open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Thomas said appointments for repair work can be made also.