September 16, 2005

When I listened to the New Orleans' station WWL, 870 AM, I nearly cried as a prayed for the victims of the hurricane. When I saw the pictures of the devastation, my heart wept. One question came from my heart, why? But you never heard on network news about the spiritual condition of the city. ...

When I listened to the New Orleans' station WWL, 870 AM, I nearly cried as a prayed for the victims of the hurricane. When I saw the pictures of the devastation, my heart wept. One question came from my heart, why? But you never heard on network news about the spiritual condition of the city. You never heard cries to God from the victim you heard on the news. It was only blame and cursing, even from the mayor himself. There are no more brothels and casinos. There are no more porno shops and strip bars. All the liquor stores and night clubs are gone. There will be no Mardi Gras with its licentious revelry. As Mardi Gras participants became the looters and those who raped and beat innocent victims. On Aug. 31 and again on Sept. 5 there was scheduled to be a gay pride festival from the homosexual organization Southern Decadence. The mayor had even given a special greeting from the city. But there was no homosexual festival and there won't be any because God put a stop to it. This is only the beginning of judgment of our nation. 9/

11 was a wake-up call but we slept on. God have mercy on us.

I would like to thank Don and Tim Foster out here in Miner. There are some couples from Mississippi that lost everything they had, and I mean everything, their families, home and everything. They came down here to my nephew, and Don and Tim Foster gave them all kinds of clothes, furniture, beds and everything. I think that's the most wonderful thing they could do. They live out here in Miner.

We of the nation are now seeing magnified the ramifications of a society we have allowed to be created - a dependent and thankless people have emerged at the forefront and cannot fend for themselves because they never have. They must blame government or anybody else they can for not taking care of them because they have never taken care of themselves. Rather than rising to the task of what they can do first, now, rising to the surface of New Orleans we get the drastic reality depicted or those have never thought of anyone but themselves. The underbelly, the scum of society that gets the attention. In a natural disaster, historically, the humanness of people rises to the surface to do what is necessary to help their fellowman, much of what was seen in New York. These ugly Americans have disgraced all of us and our nation, a barbaric, toxic subculture that should have been shot on the spot when impeding rescue and help to others. They are no longer humans but behaving as rabid animals, foaming at the mouth with greed and selfishness, defying all kinship to the basic inner goodness of human nature.

We, the taxpayers of Sikeston, wonder why the 400 block of South New Madrid has to put up with weeds and grass a foot and half tall that has been there for five months with nothing done about it. We wonder if the city manager might explain.

All this aid that is being offered from other countries, Bush shouldn't be proud to accept. We need all the help we can get. He is not hurting, all our southern neighbors are. Say yes.

The only thing I would like to say is about the politicizing, and the nit picking of the natural disaster in Louisiana and Mississippi--when are we gonna grow up and care about people, and, what has been done and the great things that have been done, and how fortunate we are to live in the United States of America where a disaster of this magnitude can be handled maybe not perfectly, but as well as it has been handled. It's Mother Nature. I think the Democrats and Republicans both have handled this as well as could have been done.

Teach the kids about the Constitution. Give them another holiday in school to run the streets and alleys.

I have question. I'd like to know where are all the naked people are. In this town there are clothes on every street you walk down, there's a shirt or underwear or socks or something. I'd like to know where they're at.
