Your view: Lack of Judge-ment
I once read, "Man is the only kind of varmint that sets his own trap, baits it, and then steps in it." Five men in black robes just gave us two giant illustrations of this assessment within the last five days via two "Sub-
Supreme" Court rulings. Without original constitutional standing or original constitutional authority they ruled that it is now suddenly against the law to post a centuries old Gold Standard ever ordained on earth for the healthiest societal behavior. Suddenly it is now somehow a grievous offense to acknowledge God in any of our government buildings. Government buildings of the same nation, which was founded on the acknowledgement God, and whose first elected leaders worshiped God in those first State Houses; who prayed incessantly to God in those first State Houses beseeching God for guidance, wisdom, protection and blessings.
There is no harm; only honor, and blessing in acknowledging God, and honoring his precepts, which were the basis of our Bill of Rights, our Constitution, as well as our civil laws, no matter what any five men in black robes say about it. Four days prior to that subversive ruling five deceived misguided betrayers from the same bench declared that no longer is a man's home his castle. They sanctioned the notion that American citizens no longer be beholden to our Creator for the liberty to own real estate and personal property. Instead, they believe we are beholding to the state, and city government. "Tax Revenue" it is implied, is our savior, and the state, it must follow is now our national god. This national god demands we must strip targeted citizens' of their possessions sacrificing them to the chosen ones of this false god, thus enabling this god to give to those it deems worthy of reward so it can get kick back contributions in the form of tax revenue that this deceitful god uses to benefit more chosen ones creating the false image of a benevolent benefactor. This is becoming more and more appealing to more and more citizens who more and more look to the benevolent god of state for succor, and sustenance. It is this very means by which this new god's deceit and power is being ever expanded. Under the guise of preventing a state-endorsed religion, these "Unjust Justices" and their conniving ACLU sponsors have established an official state endorsed religion.
"Secular Humanism" is now the official state religion to which we are being coerced to pay homage. The whole idea of the first Amendment was to prevent the federal government from doing something just like this.
With these two monumental Anti-American rulings these black hearts in black robes have chopped down two of the most significant supporting tenants our forefathers fought so hard to establish and preserve, enabling America to become that shining city on a hill of individual liberty. These deluded decisions, if allowed to stand, will trap America, and drown her in a societal cesspool that our forefathers fought so hard to escape in order to create the beacon of hope that America once was. We are a tolerant people.
But it is time to stop tolerating this illogical detrimental nonsense.
John McMillen