April 25, 2006

I was saddened to hear of the bear attack that killed the child in the Smokies. I was not only sad for the child and its family, but for the bear as well. The bear was at home. The humans were the intruders. People should know that they visit these places at their own risk. It was a bad situation all the way around!...

I was saddened to hear of the bear attack that killed the child in the Smokies. I was not only sad for the child and its family, but for the bear as well. The bear was at home. The humans were the intruders. People should know that they visit these places at their own risk. It was a bad situation all the way around!

Well I was wondering, you know we are a little, big small town here in Sikeston and I see all these new buildings going up around town. But when you look at the builder's name, hell they are all from out of town. What is up with that? Why can't we let are own small town construction workers build our banks and extra school buildings? I think that is very wrong for our own town to let what little jobs we do have around here go to others that don't even live no where around here. There are people like me who are looking for work in this town and can't find any. But now I see why all the work is going to all the people and bigger companies who will bid a dollar are two lower and we let them have all the jobs around here than letting our own do the work. I think that is a real bunch of crock. Hell. spend a dollar are two more and let our own home town companies get a piece of the pie. Then all the out of town companies who could care less if it is built right or not cause they don't have to worry about it our worry about if their kids are going to be in those buildings are not. I just think that everyone should think about one thing next time a new building is going to be built, lets spend a dollar are two more and allow our own home town construction workers to be able to build it for us. You know the only reason they charge a little more is cause look, they're just trying to make a living like all the rest of us do. And most of all. I am just a citizen that just noticed this the other day and don't even work in the construction industry. But I think it would be nice to see our guys and gals on a job site in town instead of some others from out of state. Think about it. They want Sikeston residents to patronize Sikeston stores, but yet they hire out-of-town builders to build them. What's up with that?

In response to Dad's have rights, too. You people in New Madrid county are pointing your finger in the wrong direction. This is my point. You are guilty until proven innocent. Look elsewhere.

I would like to comment on Michelle Felter's column in the April 13th paper about girls on their spring break. I think Michelle is a smart, well-adjusted young lady. She has her head on straight and she gave some good advice.

This is to the coach who thinks these people are given to him because of his color. Apparently you are the one who has the problem, because you are the one who brings it up every time, no one else does. It has nothing to do with your color, it is your attitude. You need to stop and look at how you act and how you treat people. You are the only one that is prejudiced. You've had run ins with way too many people and if you compare it with them, you're the only one with the problem, I'm sure. This is little league. You need to grow up and check your attitude.
