March 21, 2005

It isn't only dads who are dead beats, there are "mothers" (they gave birth to the children then walked off) who pay no child support and when it is a man trying to raise a family he doesn't get help or support. Mike, thank you for your recognition of the fact that fraud in the health care system is found at all levels. ...

It isn't only dads who are dead beats, there are "mothers" (they gave birth to the children then walked off) who pay no child support and when it is a man trying to raise a family he doesn't get help or support.

Mike, thank you for your recognition of the fact that fraud in the health care system is found at all levels. There are scoundrels afoot, rich and poor alike, including in our own town. And some of them are sitting next to us in the pew every Sunday. Often, those at the top are raking in the graft at enormous rates compared with those at the bottom. Accounting should be made at all levels, and I appreciate your encouragement of this ideal.

I am a Vietnam Veteran 69-70, I would like to say that seeing the homecoming you received was a homecoming for me through you. Thanks again.

After reading your column on Tuesday I was shocked at your rage of Dan Rather. Did you know him in another life or something? Your remarks seem to attack the man, rather the news he portrayed. I had to chuckle about his obvious bias (for a news reporter). No one is more biased than you Mr. Jensen (a news reporter). I, on the other hand, am not biased. I agree with many of your columns and I disagree with some, but I just had to write, when you attacked my Dapper Dan. You will agree, he's handsome.

Seen Republican on "Face the Nation" Sunday morning. She speaks of the Social Security reform. She stated that 38 years from now what they are wanting to change doesn't go into effect until then. My understanding when Roosevelt started up the Social Security program it was in effect then and grew over the years. I don't (well I do) understand what the big issue is 38 years from now has to do with now. They seem to be predicting failure in the future when it was the past that has been a great success. Seems to me that somewhere along the line the misuse of the program has surfaced and now again we the people have to bail out what seems to be a few people's mistakes or embezzlement and these few people get a whopping huge retirements with no reprimand and we the poor folk keep on staying poor and homeless and still don't get to benefit from a program that was set up to keep this type of living from happening. All the programs seem to benefit is the people who are paid to run them. Like bailing out the S&Ls and still paying for those big extras that retired with huge retirement benefits and the S&L the next year made a tremendous profit and instead of that profit paying off what it costs us the taxpayers to give up for their misuse of funds again we the people are paying for the few that caused this dilemma and we have to live again under conditions that was supposed to be protected from.
