April 30, 2006

In response to a newspaper article released by The Associated Press concerning possible disqualification from the August election ballot, Scott Horman did in fact file his personal financial interest statement with the Missouri Ethics Commission, which is contrary to what was reported...

In response to a newspaper article released by The Associated Press concerning possible disqualification from the August election ballot, Scott Horman did in fact file his personal financial interest statement with the Missouri Ethics Commission, which is contrary to what was reported.

To further explain, on Feb. 28, 2006, Scott Horman officially filed with the local election official in Scott County to become a candidate for Associate Circuit Judge in Scott County. Horman was provided documentation which explicitly states that Horman did not have to file a personal financial interest statement. The document was signed by an election official and given to Horman.

Horman also contacted the Missouri Ethics Commission on Jan. 3, 2006, prior to filing to inquire about several issues, including filing a personal financial interest statement. He was informed by an employee with the Missouri Ethics Commission he did not need to file a personal financial interest statement.

This past Tuesday, the local election authority in Scott County was contacted by the Missouri Ethics Commission and informed that Horman should have filed the above document. Immediately upon being notified Horman filed the statement with the Missouri Ethics Commission.

Horman is confident the Missouri Ethics Commission in its review will realize this was simply a matter of miscommunication.

Donnie Kiefer, Treasurer of Committee to Elect Scott T. Horman
