Looking Back 10/12

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

SIKESTON - Work has started on the extensive remodeling and redecoration of the Nuway Cleaners, operated by Loomis Mayfield on Malone Street.

SIKESTON - Daniel Malone, who was recently released from the service of his country after nearly five years, a year of which was spent overseas, has accepted employment in the Division office of the State Highway Department.

40 years ago

SIKESTON - Mrs. JoAnn Fox will appear in "The Breakfast Show" tomorrow at 6:15 a.m. on Channel 12, KFVS-TV. Mrs. Fox will participate in an interview discussing the Sikeston Little Theatre in conjunction with the kick-off of the annual membership drive.

20 years ago

SIKESTON - John Leible remembers when he was 10 years old. It was 1965, and he pitched The Daily Standard onto Sikeston porches in all types of weather. "It was fun and I enjoyed it." Leible, now a dentist in Sikeston, said, "(It was) everyday, and it was still fun." The Daily Standard honors its carriers today for their service to the newspaper and its customers. The newspaper currently contracts with 80 carriers who deliver The Daily Standard six days a week.

10 years ago

SIKESTON - Part of a joint effort by Sonny's Solid Waste and the Teens Against Pollution, recycling services have expanded to include a special magazine and catalog drive. Wednesday was the first day of the project, which kept Theodore Daniel busy with recyclable materials at Sonny's Solid Waste.

CHARLESTON - A mobile home on Route JJ, near Snow's Corner, was heavily damaged by fire of unknown origin. The family reportedly had been gone about 30 minutes, returning to find the trailer on fire. Firemen were at the scene for about three hours.

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