November 24, 2007

Top: Sam Maddox, 10, killed this six-point deer on his first hunting trip in Paris, Tenn. With him is his grandfather, Jim Miller. Both are Sikeston residents. Middle: Ray Carter of LaForge killed this 11-point buck on opening day of deer season in Bollinger County...

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Top: Sam Maddox, 10, killed this six-point deer on his first hunting trip in Paris, Tenn. With him is his grandfather, Jim Miller. Both are Sikeston residents.

Middle: Ray Carter of LaForge killed this 11-point buck on opening day of deer season in Bollinger County.

Bottom: Adam Cooksey, left, and Hunter Cooksey display their deer they killed on their grandfather's farm near Van Buren. Adam Cooksey is the son of Jim and Heather Cooksey and Rob and Jennifer Howard. Hunter Cooksey is the son of Robert and Susan Cooksey.
