Speakout 5/2
I'm speaking out concerning cleanup. I believe the cities and the surrounding areas need two cleanup weeks instead of one - about six months apart. That would help to keep the cities much cleaner. I mean a major cleanup.
I was calling, I read in your paper approximately a week ago in regard to the yield sign on the corner of Wallace and Moore streets in Sikeston. I meant to call before now. We, too, also live in the 600 block of Moore and I was calling to say that whoever called in was correct there are multiple accidents there. People fly through there. It is really unreal. I do believe there needs to be a stop sign. It can't be that difficult to change a yield to a stop and just think how many tickets the city would get to write because of all the people running that. If someone would watch it, they would be amazed. There may not be an accident every day or every week but there is almost accident every day and every week. I don't know if the residents need to get a petition up or if we need to start attending board meetings or whatever.
I would like to Speakout. I need some advice or a lawyer or anybody that can help me. My 16-year-old granddaughter, she has been juvenile court for here about the last three years and she is school right now. She was out of school for a while because she just recently accidentally had a little baby. Now she is back in school. She is actually a good girl. The truancy court has been mean to her. They have put here in jail in an orange jump suit because she is behind in her school work. They keep making threats to her - threatening to put her in jail and take her baby away and put it in a foster home. They are mean to her. They will not let her quit school. They won't listen to our side of the facts. They won't even listen to us. Because of all this, my 16-year-old granddaughter doesn't even want to go to school any more. They are hurting her psychologically and every other way. She is a good girl, she is just tired of being threatened all the time and mistreated. Is there anyway somebody out there could help us on what to do. They won't even let her go to another school, they won't let her quit school. It is like she has no rights.
I was calling to complain about the city hall giving fines for personal property being in your yard like stoves, refrigerators, old carpet you have just pulled out of your house, things like that. I got a fine from city hall for $125 for stuff being on the property such as carpet that we pulled from the house. It was only there for two, maybe three days. It is not my property, it was the landlord's property. I had pulled it out because it was nasty and I was replacing it. I don't think it is right for city hall or whoever to give out these tickets. They shouldn't give out the tickets to the tenants if it is not there property. I don't know what we should do to fix that. I would like to see other people's opinion.
I saw this picture of this little boy, he is 2 years old in the want ads. It is his birthday and his name is J.T. They have little poem in here. It says something about him turning the terrible twos. He may be the terrible twos but he is the cutest little feller and I just wanted to tell whoever his mom and dad that he is a cutey. I would like to see more of these in the paper.