BLOOMFIELD - Laura Michelle Hester and Ryan Christopher Davis are the parents of their first child, a daughter, born at 5:33 p.m. Feb. 11, 2005, at Southeast Missouri Hospital in Cape Girardeau. Kendall Elizabeth Davis weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces and was 20 1/2-inches long.
Hester, daughter of Glenda and Carl Hester of Dexter, is employed with Tropical Tanning and the Owens Chiropractic Center in Dexter.
Davis, son of Rosemary and Ken Latham and Rick and Lori Davis of Sikeston, is employed by Burch Food Services in Sikeston.
SIKESTON - Matthew and Lorenda Hawkins are the parents of their second daughter, born Feb. 11, 2005, at Missouri Delta Medical Center. Elizabeth Ryleigh Hawkins weighed 8 pounds, 15 ounces and was 20-inches long.
Mrs. Hawkins is the daughter of Thomas Revelle and Deidra Revelle.
Hawkins, son of Charles and Shelia Hawkins, is employed by Good Humor-
SIKESTON - Cassie Garamella and Jason Pohl are the parents of their second son, born at 8:32 a.m. Feb. 11, 2005, at Missouri Delta Medical Center. Trey Micheal Pohl weighed 8 pounds and was 19 1/2-inches long.
Garamella is employed by the Fisherman's Net.
Pohl is employed by Plaza Tire Service.
BENTON - Daniel Dale and Rebekah Hope Cranfield are the parents of their fifth child, fourth son, born at 5:21 p.m. Feb. 14, 2005, at Southeast Missouri Hospital in Cape Girardeau. Micah David Cranfield weighed 9 pounds, 4 ounces and was 20-inches long.
The former Rebekah Merritt, Mrs. Cranfield is the daughter of Dale and Velma Merritt of Dewey, Okla. She is an EMT with the South Scott County Ambulance Service.
Cranfield, son of Ronald and Frances Cranfield of Heavener, Okla., is an RSTC on the Amirante for Transocean.