February 27, 2006

SIKESTON -- A vehicle bounced off another vehicle before crashing into a home at 638 Smith St. Saturday. The accidents happened at about 12:45 a.m., according to the Department of Public Safety incident report. The vehicle traveling on Watson reached the end of the street where it forms a T intersection at Smith Street and crashed into the home there, coming to a stop almost completely inside a bedroom...

SIKESTON -- A vehicle bounced off another vehicle before crashing into a home at 638 Smith St. Saturday.

The accidents happened at about 12:45 a.m., according to the Department of Public Safety incident report.

The vehicle traveling on Watson reached the end of the street where it forms a T intersection at Smith Street and crashed into the home there, coming to a stop almost completely inside a bedroom.

The driver, who was reportedly pregnant, was taken to Missouri Delta Medical Center for injuries. No injuries were reported at the residence.
