November 4, 2005

SIKESTON - The Sikeston Kiwanis Club celebrated its 10th anniversary Friday night with a special program and "ladies night" at the Dunn Hotel. --- SIKESTON - Miss Vida Harper entertained a group of friends with a Halloween party at her home on Daniel Street Monday night where 24 young people were present to enjoy it with her...

60 years ago

SIKESTON - The Sikeston Kiwanis Club celebrated its 10th anniversary Friday night with a special program and "ladies night" at the Dunn Hotel.


SIKESTON - Miss Vida Harper entertained a group of friends with a Halloween party at her home on Daniel Street Monday night where 24 young people were present to enjoy it with her.

40 years ago

SIKESTON - The post office will host representatives of 53 post offices that it serves at a meeting scheduled tonight in the Holiday Inn. Christmas mail dispatch will be discussed.


NEW MADRID - Red evergreen trees will be growing along Interstate 55 from New Madrid to Cape Girardeau since the Highway Department planted them recently. More evergreens are planned in an attempt at highway beautification.

20 years ago

JEFFERSON CITY - Scott County leads the Bootheel area with the largest number of applications for outlets to purchase Missouri Lottery tickets once the program starts Jan. 31, 1986. According to Lottery Executive Director Jim Holmes, more than 3,000 retailers and organizations have sent applications to the lottery.

10 years ago

SIKESTON - During a recent costume contest of the evening Wal-Mart associates, the first place winner went to Vicki Estes for her witch costume. Second place was awarded to Bill Crow, who was dressed as a phantom and third place was given to Angela Williams who came as the Queen of Hearts. The first place winner received a $25 check.


SIKESTON - Annie Ralph and Adam Scudder, flying students with Jolliff Aviation, are the youngest male and female in Sikeston working toward a private pilot's license. Fourteen-year-old Ralph is the daughter of Bo and Judy Ralph. Scudder, 12, is the son of Terry and Colleen Scudder.
