SIKESTON - The two mills of the Scott County Milling Co. in Sikeston are closed down for a period of at least two weeks, according to officials of the company. The reason given was poor business.
SIKESTON - Formal opening of the new Sikes Hardware Co. building, one of the best constructed and most modern buildings possible, was held recently.
DEXTER - The kickoff of the final fund drive for the Dexter Memorial Hospital was held Monday at the Dexter Civic Center. The goal for the final drive is $117,000. C.C. Shell and Bob Robbins are co-chairmen.
SIKESTON - Drug education assemblies in the Sikeston Public Schools on Tuesday attempted to give students something to think about, according to the guest speaker, Missouri Highway Patrol Sgt. Ed Moses.
NEW MADRID - A proclamation declaring Nov. 7 as Community Awareness Day on alcoholism and chemical dependency was signed by New Madrid Mayor Dick Phillips this week.
SIKESTON - As part of the Sikeston Department of Public Safety's continuing efforts to teach children about safety, DPS officer Rick Toon visited with children at St. Francis Xavier Catholic School in Sikeston. Toon used several methods, including role playing with assistance from instructors at the school to teach children how to say "no" and avoid strangers who could be a threat.
SIKESTON - The Sikeston Area Chamber of Commerce is so pleased with the Just Say No Club's continuing effort to spread the word against drugs that earlier this week, they asked the club to represent Sikeston at the Missouri Community Betterment Conference in Columbia. Seven members attended the Sunday through Tuesday event.
SIKESTON - Public Safety Officer Keyth Blissett has decided to become a disc jockey part time. His one-hour contemporary Christian music radio show will debut at 10 p.m. Saturday. Blissett's community service efforts are supported by KSIM's David Rutherford and Chief Jim Leist.