January 29, 2006

I wish your editorial of Jan. 18 concerning Mayor Ray Nagin's comments was reprinted in every newspaper and read on every TV and radio station in the country. I was a teen when Dr. King was a leader for equality, justice and peace. I thought I would see those goals reached by the 1980's and look where we are now. ...

I wish your editorial of Jan. 18 concerning Mayor Ray Nagin's comments was reprinted in every newspaper and read on every TV and radio station in the country. I was a teen when Dr. King was a leader for equality, justice and peace. I thought I would see those goals reached by the 1980's and look where we are now. I supported Dr. King's vision then, as I do now, and it's my humble opinion that he would take Ray Nagin behind the woodshed and give him a spanking for saying such divisive rhetoric.

I was watching the KFVS 10 o'clock news last night and sometime during the program the sports guy came on and introduced his guest as Rowdy Redhawk, mascot for Southeast Missouri State University's sports. I remember the 60's when the football team was the Indians. During the game a man dressed in complete Indian chief arrayment, complete with headdress flowing with feathers, would ride a horse around the stadium bringing cheers from the crowd, adding energy and enthusiasm to the players. The stadium had a statue of a stately Indian brave near the entrance that I was told was donated to the college by a man from Sikeston. Those were the days before the Board of Regents decided having the name Indians was an insult to our fellow Native American Indians. I wonder if they know why the part north of Cape was named Trail of Tears. I'm sure the fans and players are all fired up each game by a mascot that looks like a red chicken and has a name that sounds like a porno star.

I'm speaking out on the matter of mailboxes being destroyed. You know who you are, I'm sure there's more than one. But, you all better not get caught having your fun. My mother has had hers knocked down, I know, four times. I don't like my mother being afraid of thugs. If anyone else is having this problem, put it in SpeakOut. This has got to stop. We are tired of buying mailboxes. We have reported this to the authorities, but it don't do any good. They always say, "Sorry, there's nothing we can do." But, I think if enough people get together on this we might can catch them. What do you think? Come on taxpayers, let's help one another. They'll think twice before they do it again. Messing with mailboxes is a federal offense. They can be locked up. So, let's do something about it.

The Sikeston leaders are trying to encourage the ethanol plant to locate in the Sikeston Industrial Park. The ethanol plant is gonna need hundreds of truckloads of corn everyday. It's gonna need trainloads of coal, maybe trainloads of corn and then it's going to ship all the ethanol and by-products away. At the same time, the Sikeston leaders are trying to restrict train traffic in Sikeston. If we restrict train traffic, how are we supposed to support a new ethanol plant? How do you plan on making this work out? Good day.

Ole Carter got on TV back in the 1980's and said that we were practically out of fuel, we wouldn't have any very shortly. I didn't listen. He said go back to mules and I went and bought me a tractor. Now, I can't afford to run it and I don't have a mule. I am in one predicament. Anybody have any help for me?

I think Ferguson Medical Group and Missouri Delta need to work together and quit this petty bickering over doctors and do what is right for the community.
