
Tolerance needed in season greetings

Sunday, December 18, 2005

I have rarely seen so many people so furious over the Christmas greeting of Happy Holidays. I guess it just gives us something to complain about during the Christmas season but my goodness, what is all the fuss about? Just because some retailer or business wants to greet their customers with Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas does not make them the anti-Christ. And just because someone calls it a holiday tree instead of a Christmas tree does not make them evil. Nor do cards that say Seasons Greetings.

I agree there is an assault from the liberal left to remove all religious aspects of society. And that should alarm Christians of all makes and models. We have become so zealous with our political correctness that we have moved far from where we should be.

But the religious right also has an agenda. Calling for boycotts of stores that simply say Happy Holidays is not the right approach. You could argue it isn't the Christian approach. Forcing your views on others is wrong whether that force comes from the left or the right.

The overwhelming majority of Americans are Christian by definition. Granted, some are much more active than others but simply because you have a majority viewpoint doesn't mean you have the only voice.

I am not offended when someone says Happy Holidays. I choose to respond by saying Merry Christmas. But I don't hold someone in low esteem because they choose a different holiday message. Heck I'm just pleased they don't say bah, humbug, which has come out of my mouth more times than I can count.

I don't take the Rodney King approach of "Can't we all get along." I recognize differences. But during this most holy of seasons, we have found yet another way to separate ourselves. I suspect someone is looking down on us shaking his head in bewilderment.

There's also mounting protest over the use of X-mas. Look it up in the dictionary, folks. One of the definitions of X is Christ from the Greek alphabet. So don't get excited and think this is yet another removal of Christ from our society. Get informed before your throw darts at someone.

Jesus is indeed the Reason for the Season, as the sign says. There is a specific biblical reason we celebrate the birth of Christ during this special time of year. Those are facts that you can't change. But why then criticize those who recognize the importance of this time of year but choose to acknowledge it differently than you?

Here's the bottom line. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays (to include the New Year). Now that wasn't so hard was it? Use this time of year to share your faith, your spirit and your conviction. But try accomplishing that without slamming those who share their expressions differently.

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