SIKESTON - The Sikeston Bulldogs won a close contest from Oran at the high school gymnasium, 18-17.
SIKESTON - Sonic booms over Sikeston have been heard regularly. Since the SAC B-58 Hustler bombers began their training missions over the area Monday, three sonic booms were reported - one each day and all coming at the same hour and almost at the same minute each time.
MALDEN - The Malden Public School has been approved $113,189 in federal aid under the Elementary Secondary Education Act of 1965, according to an announcement made Thursday by Alva DaVault, superintendent of schools.
SIKESTON - Southwestern Bell Telephone Company is spending more than $338,000 to streamline and improve the power source of the Sikeston Central Office. The project, the largest of its kind in Missouri, will involve upgrading batteries, generators and other equipment to make telephone transmission more efficient and trouble free.
SIKESTON - The new emergency room at Missouri Delta Community Hospital opened this week in the new wing of the expansion effort. The emergency room features a ear/nose/throat specialty room, holding room and an emergency obstetrics room.
CHARLESTON - Jan. 3 was opening day for the new Community Care Center at Charleston, a rural health clinic operated by the Mississippi County Health Department and Missouri Delta Medical Center. Pat Newton, EMT-paramedic and currently a nursing student, assists Dr. A.L. Weaver at the clinic on Mondays.
SIKESTON - The Sikeston School Board gave the administration the go-ahead Tuesday evening to develop drawings and bid specifications for the construction of a new science and technology laboratory.