This is in response to Roads are the pits. They stated too much money goes to schools, teachers and fancy buildings. I kind of agree with that, except apparently you don't know any teachers or understand the schools are over crowded and the teachers are under paid. And they also have to buy supplies out of their own pockets that they don't get reimbursed for. But I do agree with the fancy building issues. The Department of Family Services did not need a new building. They had a perfectly good one. Although they had to do was fix it. And if they did for say, need a new building, why didn't they build next to the Health Department and the Social Security office? All in one big building, instead of three separate ones. Wouldn't it be cheaper on the tax payers to build one big building instead of three separate ones? As far as the roads go, Missouri is one of the states with some of the worse roads in the country. There are two many hands in the pie, not leaving anything for what it is intended for. Runt, yes, I said Runt, is one of the most wasteful ones of the bunch. I'm not down on the Republicans or the Democrats. There are bad ones on both sides of the poll. But there are good ones also. To bunch them all together and say I don't like Republicans or Democrats is crazy. Besides wasn't the lottery revenue supposed to go to the schools? Where is that money? It's in some big one's pocket that voted themselves a raise after cutting Medicaid to poor families. It's the same with casino revenue. That's supposed to go to improve the roads. Pardon me if I'm wrong. I know you didn't ask for it, but there it is.
I'm a senior citizen. I was reading in the paper where someone thinks we need to put a 25 percent tax on the ballot. We don't need more taxes. People of middle age are the ones that are having to pay it, and they got children they are trying to send to school and college and keep clothed and it's taking all their money to supposedly do something for senior citizens. Well senior citizens are not getting it all and we don't need it all. But those who are sitting around and won't work are getting a lot of it. I don't think we need any more taxes for the people who are having to work and pay it all for people who won't even try to work.
We need people in government positions that had to work in factories and farmers that have worked in fields for low pay trying to raise their families to be compassionate people. They can't get help for anything because the government has set a maximum limit and if a person makes a few dollars above that, regardless if their family has health problems, whatever, they can't get help. They are the people paying a third or more of their income in taxes. Sunday's paper headline, Blunt proposes spending increases in budget and Postal rates increases. More taxes, more taxes. As if they're not making enough already. And in Monday's paper, the business section headline, Four percent raise proposed for the state workers. Who will foot that bill? State workers have been asked to do more work for less. Ha ha. What do they want them to do now, do less work for more? There are people working in the factories and ones doing hard physical labor and trying to get overtime to support their family, educate them and clothe them. Let these government people, including Blunt, change places with some of these people. These poor people, regardless of their abilities, can't find jobs when they get out of school, after having to borrow money to go to school. They can't get a job unless they know somebody in high places or some of their relatives are wealthy.
I see where we are getting another bank. Just what we need. What we really need is some jobs that pay more than minimum wage and then we would have some money to put in these banks.