March 5, 2006

Our Annual Awards Banquet is fast approaching where we recognize the best from our area. We enjoy recognizing Citizen of the Year, Business of the Year, Educator of the Year and so on, but as we work on preparations for the 2006 festivities I don't want to forget to recognize our SACC members who support us day in and day out. They are the best of the best this community has to offer, their support of the Chamber allows SACC to support our community...

Our Annual Awards Banquet is fast approaching where we recognize the best from our area. We enjoy recognizing Citizen of the Year, Business of the Year, Educator of the Year and so on, but as we work on preparations for the 2006 festivities I don't want to forget to recognize our SACC members who support us day in and day out. They are the best of the best this community has to offer, their support of the Chamber allows SACC to support our community.

We are an organization of well over 500 members supporting the Sikeston and Miner communities in a variety of ways. Our member monitor legislative actions that could affect our citizens, we are involved in economic development, revitalization efforts in downtown Sikeston, workforce training through our Bootheel Regional Training Group, just to name of few.

Of course our biggest activity would be the referrals we make to our members daily. In fact, we made almost 15,000 referrals last year to our members, which breaks down to roughly 57 referrals a day.

The referrals can be by phone, fax, walk-in and e-mail and can be the usual Realtor referral to "who can help me with my sick horse?" We just never know what request is going to walk in the door or be on the other end of the phone, but no matter what, we do our best to provide community information to whoever needs it, whether they are currently a resident, relocating or just visiting.

We are here to be information central for the Sikeston and Miner areas and we are happy to do it, but without the support of our area businesses and individuals we would not be able to provide this service. so when you are out shopping or conducting business with someone who sports a SACC membership sticker know that they care about our area and our citizens and thank them for supporting your Chamber of Commerce. We appreciate them and hope you will too.

Congratulations to business card drawing winner for the February newsletter, Donna Taylor of Financial Fitness Services Inc.

For more information about the Sikeston Area Chamber of Commerce and its members go to our Website at
