December 16, 2005

During this Christmas season something has come about that has disturbed me very deeply. There are people in government and others who want to take the word Christmas tree and substitute it with words "Holiday tree." Also some folks are using the word "Xmas" for the word Christmas. We need to keep Christ in Christmas because that was how Christmas began...

During this Christmas season something has come about that has disturbed me very deeply. There are people in government and others who want to take the word Christmas tree and substitute it with words "Holiday tree." Also some folks are using the word "Xmas" for the word Christmas. We need to keep Christ in Christmas because that was how Christmas began.

We may not know when Christ was born but we need to celebrate His birth. If we celebrate our birthdays and the birthdays of our forefathers, then it is more important to celebrate the birth of Christ. He is not an Xchrist. He is very much alive. Yes, He was born a very special baby to a virgin. Yes, he lived a perfect life in a sinful world. Yes, he died on the cross to save us from our sin and eternal damnation. Yes, he did rise from the grave. Not only that, but he has promised to come back for those of us who have taken him as our personal Savior and who live for him. We will live with him in heaven for eternity.

God loved us so much that he gave us this special gift of his son to free us from sin. In John 3:16 he says: "For God so loved the world that He gave his only Son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." We only come to salvation through Christ. In Acts 4:12 we see that "There is no other name under Heaven given among men where by we must be saved." We don't deserve this gift but Titus 3:5 says "Not by works of righteousness which we have done but according to His mercy He has saved us."

You see, if we take the word Christ out of Christmas and use the word "holiday" we are denying Christ. We have many holidays during the year. Why not have a special day for Christ's birthday?

We have had Bible reading and prayer taken out of the schools and other public places. Our children are not allowed to learn about the creation in school.

I have noticed that much about Christ is not mentioned in the special programs for Christmas on television and radio. If we are not careful our children will ask us what is a Christmas tree or even what is Christmas. Christ has done more for us than any other person in history. He gave His life for the sin of the whole world. By keeping His name in Christmas, we are honoring him and praising him. Please continue to use the words "Christmas tree and Merry Christmas". Please have a very blessed Christmas and may Christ richly bless you for keeping his name in Christmas and the Christmas season.

Mickie Jean Ormsby

Sikeston, Mo.
