SIKESTON - Miss Mary Ann Johnson, student at State College in Cape Girardeau, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Johnson during the weekend.
SIKESTON - Mrs. Wyman Luten of Union City, Tenn. is the guest this week of her sister, Mrs. G. Moore Greer and her husband.
SIKESTON - More than 200 cotton growers in Southeast Missouri learned about the new cotton program at the American Legion Hall last night. Hilton Bracey, Portageville executive vice president of the Missouri Cotton Producers Association, told his audience that for the 1966 program there will be a decided change from previous programs.
DEXTER - The arrest of two solved one burglary while another remains under investigation. At 6:11 a.m. today an alarm sounded at Overturf Drug Store, One Mile Road and Business Route 60. Dexter police officer Martin Dooley responded to the scene, discovering electrical meters pulled out and the front door pried open. An undetermined amount of drugs have been reported missing from the business. During routine patrol at 3:15 a.m. Sunday, Sgt. Paul Fitzpatrick discovered a burglary in progress. Finding the front door glass broken out at Frank's Liquor Store on North Locust Street, the officer called for backup. Two were arrested inside the business and are being held in Dexter City Jail on charges of burglary and stealing.
DEXTER - A 16-year-old deaf girl was struck and killed by a Union Pacific train as she walked on railroad tracks, despite her friend's attempts to warn her with hand signals. Lisa Ann Cook, 16, of 108 N. Nelson St. in Dexter, was hit just after 10 a.m. Saturday as she and her friend, who is also deaf, rounded a curve on a double set of tracks.