SIKESTON - Mr.and Mrs. Billy Keith have sold their residence on North Kingshighway to Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Davis. Davis is associated with Thomas B. Allen in farming and ginning interests. They plan to take possession April 15.
SIKESTON - The Scott-New Madrid-Mississippi Electric Cooperative made a donation to the Sikeston Chamber of Commerce toward construction of a new chamber office. Richard Pinkerton accepted the check on behalf of the chamber from James C. Stephenson.
SIKESTON - A public reception at the Sikeston Public Library drew many people Thursday evening. The event was to help celebrate the library's 50th anniversary this year in December. Sikeston City Council, Chamber of Commerce and past and present library board members attended the two hour gathering.
NEW MADRID - Practice is every day after school and often late into the evening to prepare for New Madrid County Central High School's first-ever musical, "Grease." The production is scheduled for March 19-21.
SIKESTON - Public Safety officer Jason Morgan, the youngest member of the Sikeston Department of Public Safety, is also the only officer who is a qualified dispatcher. At the age of 17, the Sikeston High School graduate was hired as a DPS dispatcher in 1994. After three years as a dispatcher, Morgan applied to the department.