I have a gripe about these tree people coming down and cutting down trees and cutting them back from the wires. Our trees were not in the wires. I looked before they even started cutting. I have hardly any trees left. You ought to come down Lake Street and look what they did to the trees. Now, when we get a great big old north wind, is this tree going to come down on my house? Are they going to pay for my house for the tree that they have ruined? I would like something done about this. It is unnecessary for them to come down here and do that - cutting them way back. We take care of our own trees here.
This is to the hoodlums that knocked the back glass out of my Explorer Saturday night on Lillian Drive. This is just to let you know that we have witnesses who saw you do it and the police have a description of the car and I just wanted to let you know that it is only a matter of time until you are caught.
Your recent front page article on the "newest form" of what crystal meth has shown up in is really off base. Back in the 1980s we offered various flavors of meth - grape, strawberry, chocolate and blueberry were popular. Women users preferred the Pina Colada version. If the Sikeston would embark on a serious west end shutdown of pot and crack cocaine suppliers, the citizens of this town would be sober and safer than ever before. All that article did was make crack manufacturers meth realize that local DPS data acquisition is still 20 years behind in knowledge, tactics and real law enforcement capabilities. It is these reasons that Missouri has become one of the best states to produce, distribute and use meth in the nation. Consider these points before you ever credit Sikeston DPS with being on the cutting edge of law enforcement efficiency.
Want a pet? Free for the taking. There are pups roaming the streets of Morley. If anyone wants one, come on down. They are begging for a home and someone to care for them.
Our deepest sympathy goes to the Dana workers. It was on KFVS news that Dana is closing on Nov. 30. Well, P&G will be next and they will be making toilet paper, Kotex and tampons and other paper products in Mexico next. They will probably be the next ones. I don't know why the President doesn't wake up and smell the roses. We the American people work hard and we work for nothing.