June 25, 2007

SIKESTON - C.H. Butler was elected as chairman of the Scott County chapter of the American Red Cross at the chapter's annual meeting. SIKESTON - The post office announced that applications are being accepted for civil service examinations for substitute clerks and carriers. Changes in regulations make it possible for a person to apply at an post office, regardless of residence...

60 years ago

SIKESTON - C.H. Butler was elected as chairman of the Scott County chapter of the American Red Cross at the chapter's annual meeting.

40 years ago

SIKESTON - The post office announced that applications are being accepted for civil service examinations for substitute clerks and carriers. Changes in regulations make it possible for a person to apply at an post office, regardless of residence.

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SIKESTON - The Rev. T.A. McDonough, pastor of the First Assembly of God Church, announced that his denomination will conduct an evangelism study to be released in 1968.

20 years ago

EAST PRAIRIE - Tractor-trailer trucks will not be allowed to park within a 300-

foot radius of a residential area and leave the refrigeration units running during the hours of 9 p.m. to 6 a.m. The decision to ban the units was made by the City Council with the proposed ordinance passing on a four to one vote.


SIKESTON - Those who play with fireworks may face the "calaboose." The city fathers wrote in 1874: "Whoever shall discharge any firecracker within 50 feet of any dwellings, store or any other building, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall pay a fine therefore of 50 cents or be imprisoned in the calaboose for one hour for the first offense and for the second offense, shall pay a fine of one dollar and be imprisoned in the calaboose for two hours." Today, fireworks are totally prohibited within the city limits and the fines are a bit stiffer for violations.

10 years ago

SIKESTON - Jason Tritch, of Paragould, Ark., won $1,000 and first place in Super Pro at the Sikeston Drag Strip on Saturday night.


SIKESTON - Anthony Tobias, a second grader at Lee Hunter Elementary, was the lucky winner of a new bicycle. Only students with perfect attendance during summer school were eligible for the bike drawing.
