This is about MODot and the contractor down in New Madrid County when you come off 61 Highway, coming out of New Madrid and you get on Interstate 55 on the off ramp. There is no white line to show you when you are in the traffic lane. This has been this way for two months. They re-
asphalted the thing and didn't put the white lines back on. You pull off the ramp in the dark, you're looking for the lines to let you know how to get in the two lanes of traffic going northbound. There's no line there. The first thing you come to is the center of the two lane going north, and the trucks are about to run over you by then. Twice we've come out of there and almost got killed. Someone is gonna get killed because MODot and the contractor are too stupid to put lines there after they re-asphalted it. After six weeks or two months, I mean, my Lord, give me a break.
Well did anyone else watch the Million More March? I sat and watched that thing for hours and every one of those people that got up there all they made was racist remarks. How they need to put their people in for head of this and head of that. Most of them had the title of ministers. But, I never heard so much racist talk in my life. They want everyone black in every position they can think of. I don't know why they let them get up there and spout off like that. I know they let Jesse Jackson do it. They wanted everybody there to pay $1 each week into their campaign fund and they talked about how many million they could get. Those people listening, did they notice those big, big rings and watches they had on. All the jewelry they had one. They're gonna spend all that money on jewelry and big cars. Poor people are gonna run around and starve to death so they can run around in new cars. They kept spouting go home and collect and keep putting in $1 a week, $1 a week, and then we'll have enough money to do what we want to do. I never heard such bull in my life.
This message is to the Claire Newnam Library administrator and the appointed officials who govern this facility in Charleston. At this time there has been a sign posted on the library property for approximately two weeks. This sign is for a local painter, contractor. Is this legal or ethical. If it is legal, can I put a sign in the Mississippi County Court House yard stating my occupation? After all, both facilities are funded by the Mississippi County taxpayers. Need I say more?
I would just like to say kudos to Michael Jensen on his article on mob violence. I am white. I have nothing against blacks. But, when a gang of black people get together and do what they do, that is what scares people. That is why there is racism. Michael Jensen is right. Why get angry? Why not laugh it off and make things better?
It would seem that we have heard from one of those who continued to trash the streets after the parade. Oink, oink.
I would just like to the person who called in about the President Oct. 18, it was terrible. We are supposed to pray for our leaders, not criticize them. He is doing all he knows to do.
I have a message for Mr. Chris Moore, sportswriter. You do not have to be a Cardinal fan, but you can keep your big, fat mouth shut about them.
I just thought you would like to know that our US Senators voted this week on giving themselves a raise. The vote was defeated 92 not to give the raise, 6 to give the raise, 2 not voting. Bond, a republican of this state, voted to give himself a raise. Surprise, surprise. If you want to see this for yourself, you can go online at Bond was one of the six voting to give himself a raise. It was defeated.