I just got my Sunday Standard and I'm sitting here reading it and one SpeakOut says Bring back the draft. I want you to know something whoever you are. You probably don't have any children of your own that could be took over there. You don't understand how it is. I want you to quit writing this junk in the paper about the draft. I've had kids in the service and I'm tired of seeing kids going over there and being killed. And someone griping and growling about the kids getting out of school and being in trouble. They need parents to settle them down and take care of them and they wouldn't be in all this trouble. Keep your mind where it belongs and leave this draft alone. People need their kids at home just like everybody else does. I love my kids and I wouldn't want to see them go over there again. You just behave yourself and mind your own business. That's what you need to do.
I read your article in SpeakOut today about a gay person who talks down people in a work area in a fast food restaurant. It don't matter where you work they have to have a copy of the sexual harassment law posted, it states anything that makes you uncomfortable in your work area. It does not matter if it's a dirty joke, making sexual gestures, making fun of your lifestyles. With this person being gay you would think he or she would understand that. What you need to do is bring the problem to the attention of the manager and if that don't do any good, send a letter to the manager's boss. One thing I've learned is everyone answers to someone. Don't let this person do that to you, if you do let them get away with it they will do someone else the same way. Stay strong.
Why doesn't someone tell these mountain climbers that they climb at their own risk and no attempt will be made to rescue them if they become stranded? These guys in Oregon willfully climbed a mountain knowing what could go wrong. Now other people are risking their lives and thousands of dollars to get to them. Not as it should be!
A big thank you to the Sikeston police department for having your priorities in order. Last week I had a terrible incident at my home. The police department responded immediately instead of going to a noise complaint first. Give me your address and I will be happy to send you earplugs.