November 22, 2006

BENTON -- Money for a homeless shelter project will be routed through Scott County, but county officials will not have to administer the grant. During the regular County Commission meeting Tuesday, Joe E. Lane, director of community planning for the Bootheel Regional Planning and Economic Development Commission at Dexter, updated commissioners on the Community Development Block Grant...

BENTON -- Money for a homeless shelter project will be routed through Scott County, but county officials will not have to administer the grant.

During the regular County Commission meeting Tuesday, Joe E. Lane, director of community planning for the Bootheel Regional Planning and Economic Development Commission at Dexter, updated commissioners on the Community Development Block Grant.

The BRPC will administer the grant, Lane said, "but the money will come to the county and be disbursed by the county," Lane said.

County Clerk Rita Milam advised Lane he should probably meet with the county treasurer as well. The CDBG funding is capped at $150,000.

The project was not approved for funding the first time Mission Missouri applied, according to county officials.

"I think there was a few technical things they had to do to get it through," Presiding Commissioner Martin Priggel said.

The project is a partnership effort in which Mission Missouri is working with the Delta Area Economic Opportunity Corporation, the county, the state and the Department of Housing and Urban Development to renovate a wing of Mission Missouri's homeless facility into three apartments for homeless persons served under the continuum of care program.

DAEOC will provide continuum of care vouchers to Mission Missouri and Mission Missouri will provide the supportive services to continuum of care residents. "We hope to have this project completed in the fall of 2007," Lane said.

Lane said before renovations take place, Mission Missouri is required to have the facility inspected for asbestos and lead-based paint and to have any asbestos and lead paint removed.

Lane also updated commissioners on "a project to supply water to a non-

served area north of Morehouse."

The preliminary cost estimate to provide water to these 12 households is $79,300 in grant funds toward construction, administration, engineering and engineering inspections along with a local match of $3,800 per household as grant funding cannot provide more than $5,000 per household.

The water will be supplied by hooking into Public Water District No. 1.

County Developer Joel Evans said he isn't sure those 12 households will be willing and able to pay their local match and is looking into the possibility that the cost could be worked into their water bill for a number of months.
