
We must speak out agasint lawlessness

Sunday, May 6, 2007

At a pro-immigration rally in Los Angeles this week, police were ordered to remove the demonstrators from the streets and move them on the sidewalks and into a city park. The rally had been going on for hours without incident. But now the thousands who gathered had clogged a city street.

So police issued orders for the crowd to move into the park. But since most of the demonstrators don't speak English, the police order went unheeded.

As police began moving the crowd, an estimated 50-100 "agitators" began throwing rocks and bottles at the police. In the end, eight police were treated for injuries. A like number of demonstrators were also treated.

So just to assure that everyone understands, we have thousands of Mexican demonstrators illegally halting traffic on the streets who, when ordered to move, pelt police with rocks and bottles causing injury to several officers. But who is being targeted for four separate investigations? The police, of course.

A long time ago a very famous novel described a society that was turned upside-down. Black was now white, right was now wrong, good was now bad. If you look around at our society today, we may have arrived at that magical moment.

I don't care how much force the police used to move the demonstrators, law enforcement was in the right and the demonstrators were in the wrong. If police orders are ignored, are law enforcement officials just to sit back and allow a crowd to do whatever they want, whenever and wherever? I don't believe so.

The investigators want to assure that no one's "civil rights" were violated. The key word here is "civil" and we seem to have forgotten that. These illegal immigrants who chose to demonstrate on American soil had every right to do just that. Even though they are in this country illegally and even though they ignored a police order, we will afford them the right to demonstrate. But to somehow blame the police for their reaction to the violence, is simply absurd. Where is the investigation into the "agitators" who attacked police? Why are we not pursuing legal actions against these illegals? Are we afraid? Are we concerned that we might be classified as politically incorrect? Do we fear that our brethren in the civil rights movement might use the action to blame white society for yet another ill of the oppressed?

I am sickened by the trend in this country. Our claim to greatness is evaporating daily, right before our eyes. But I put the blame on those among us who fail to speak out when their voices are so urgently needed. Where are the politicians defending our police officers? Where are our politicians condemning violence aimed at authority in this country?

I'll tell you where they are. They are courting the Hispanic vote so desperately that they have abandoned all logic and common sense. They are so desperate for their own greed and power that they would side with the lawless over the law enforcement.

Reminds me of that long-ago novel.

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