It's interesting that the Sikeston paper would print the results of a karate tournament out of a school from Cape Girardeau. Sports must be getting kind of slow in Sikeston. They're just carbon copies of the original anyway.
I truly believe that the reason there is so much crime in a small town like Sikeston is because the police department isn't doing their job. I read in an article in SpeakOut a couple of weeks ago that they don't enforce the curfew. I agree with that caller 100 percent. They are sitting up there at the police station with the cars in the parking lot. They see these people out after the curfew, sitting in parking lots, sitting on the hoods of their cars, probably smoking pot or something. The police see this all the time. If we can see it, you know they see it. Why don't they enforce the curfew? I don't understand. Get these people off the street at midnight or 1 o'clock in the morning when they should be at home. When was the last time you saw a couple downtown window shopping like they did years ago? They're afraid to walk downtown at night time, just to look in the stores' windows. You don't see that anymore. If I'm doing two or three miles over the speed limit they are going to pull me over just to give me a ticket so I can pay a fine. I used to have a lot of respect for the policemen here in town. But I can't make that statement anymore. More citizens in town should get behind the policemen and force them to do their jobs. We, the taxpayers, pay their wages. I realize they have a dangerous job, there are a lot of maniacs out there on the street. I don't want to see anyone get hurt or lose their life. But, get the young people off the streets. The only way that you are going to do it is have parents take money out of their pockets and pay a fine and they will keep their children at home to keep from paying a fine. Leave that police station at night time, get in those cars and start doing your job.
Here it is Mr. Editor, as much as you seem to hate opinions that run counter to the conventional wisdom of mess over your fellow man and creature, no matter what the costs. I wonder how many innocent, peace loving animals will die or be brought to the brink of death this week so a bunch of little boys in men's bodies can get their kicks bullying helpless, captive animals. These are not strong, fearless men. They are cowards. And girls, these phony macho men are too selfish to be good lovers. If they believe in bullying animals, they'll bully you too. Better get a kind, gentle man that wouldn't harm any animal. The rodeo needs to be turned into a country music festival and leave off the animal torture. It sets a bad example for children and a low-class image for the community.
I was reading Mike's editorial about jobs and everything being shipped overseas and everything coming from China. I don't know what he's complaining about, it's just Reaganomics. Remember the rich will take care of the poor.
Mike Jensen, I don't know what you're complaining about. You voted for him and you got just what you asked for.