SIKESTON - Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lynn were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Barnett. After dinner, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn were given a surprise party for their 25th anniversary.
SIKESTON - Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Lee William announce the arrival of a daughter, born Jan. 16 at Sikeston General Hospital.
SIKESTON - Silver Beaver awards were presented to Earl Jarvis and C.C. "Pete" Groves last night at the annual Okeechobee Boy Scout District appreciation dinner.
ORAN - Elwood C. Thompson, postmaster, was named Oran Man of the Year Thursday night at the annual Chamber of Commerce banquet.
SIKESTON - Johnny Tillotson will serve as guest host for the 8th Annual Kenny Rogers Cerebral Palsy Center Telethon, according to Ira Merideth, general chairman of the event. Tillotson is serving his fourth straight year as celebrity telethon emcee.
SIKESTON - After 15 years of operating Santie's Amoco, the company has sold the property and business. Jimmy Combs, a Sikeston resident, is the new operator of the station, which will continue to be operated as an Amoco facility. The station is now named "Downtown Amoco."
SIKESTON - Wayne Corse of Charleston is the new chairman of the board of Missouri Delta Medical Center. Dr. Max Heeb, who has served as chairman of the board for the past two years, was voted to a board emeritus position.
SIKESTON - The American Academy of Family Physicians held a two-day seminar on how to deliver babies during problems in pregnancy and delivery. The course was held at the Missouri Delta Medical Center with nine doctors and eight nurses attending from six states.