~Call 471-6636
In response to the person who complained because her child was being required to empty and return his/her lunch tray every day, and instructed her child to refuse, I didn't know royalty attended the public schools.
My name is Mike Marsh, 471- 7626. There was something wanting to know if anyone was selling pecans. Please give them my number.
I read in SpeakOut where someone was willing to offer soda tabs off of cans for some benefit to sick patients. We save those tabs and we send ours to the Shriner's Hospital in St. Louis. I'd be glad to come and pick them up if you still have the tabs. Call 471-0151 and ask for Mary.
I am a concerned parent that has two teen-aged children in school working at local restaurants here in town, McDonald's and Burger King. These restaurants have got a standard process of making these children work until 1 a.m. in the morning when they have to get up in the morning at 6 a.m. for school. I would like to see these restaurants banned to get them out of there at a decent hour so they can get a good night's sleep for school the next morning. Taco Bell is coming in. Their standard process is that kids won't work past 10 p.m. on a school night. I applaud them for this.
I am a citizen of New Madrid and I travel 61 Highway every morning. The trucks are coming in hauling the cotton and the beans, they are driving much too fast on 61 Highway. They are even passing each other on the highway. I think the police should take more of a concern about what they are doing on 61 instead of harassing the young teenagers here in town. Yesterday a truck made a sharp turn and turned over. I wish the police would please pay attention to this.
There are two brothers in this town who are getting away with almost murder. One goes to someone's home and robs them at gunpoint and gets out on bond. The other one abuses a child and gets caught with controlled substances and gets five years supervised probation for each charge. How is that possible? The guys think they have an access to money. Me myself, I think they are informants for the police. If this is what's going on with the police, they really need to find another way to catch the criminals and get them off the street. They don't need criminals out there to catch criminals. What is this saying to other people in this town? If you tell the police where the criminals are, you can get away with almost anything. This is really a scary thought!